Friday, April 28, 2006

Cryptic confusion? Or merely a lack of enough grey cells to stash away all the junk , highly classified combinations of numerals and asciis?

Whatever u call it, I have had enough of grappling with n and n+1 and n+n number of passwords and secret keys. This would have been just another routine problem, not important enough to corner space in my blog dedicated to reds and crimsons, if I had not spent my last half an hour trying to get access to my blogging rights.

yes,yes, ur guess puts u in the hallowed corridors of brilliant minds, I did manage to forget my password and of course, my user name too.And my frantic cries for help were promptly answered with an email sent to my mail box, with instructions on how to retrieve my valued assets. I tried searching for ways to tell them that I do not have access to my personal mail box from where I am presently stuck, but intelligent minds cannot always think of all possible pathways in which stupidity can be executed.

Hence, spurred on by motivation from my friend whom I just called up to ask where I could get my username and password for a certain bank account, I decided to take the hard way out. Hence, after a zillion kinds of permutations and combinations of what I could have possibly thought of for sake of secrecy on that bored afternoon a whole month back, fate finally relented and let me in.

So far, so good. But I seriously yearn to know I have company in this vast world, at least a few who frantically rummage through their handbag or hit their mob just before stepping in to an atm,.... every time.

Maybe, it was just that we (I?) managed to get caught up in another stream of evolution quite divergent from the one which included the creator of authentication and cryptography. A vague memory from my biology classes somewhere tells me that there are different kinds of lobes in the brain, dedicated for specific purposes.
I have always known that my areas for this kind of unneccessary spam have been utilised for something more important, like appreciating the unseen hues of life.

No offence meant. I stand in awe of those who can make a life out of this stuff, like Susan Fletcher and maybe more realistic characters in those numerous encryption decryption services around the world.

Signing off for now with all respect.

well Tina we've all been there i guess ; everyday after coming to office I have to enter close 16 sets of passwords to get all my tools up and running ; phew poor me
sigh...just another day in your life :) hehe...Ms. forgetful ;)


da you've atleast got a device that screams out your password...think about us poor souls
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